There is so much of diversity in our world. So many different kinds of shapes and sizes, trains of thought and religion, culture and language. Yet instead of celebrating this diversity, we seem to always want the minority to conform to the majority.
People with a little weight on them must lose the weight. People with darker skin should stay indoors and use a plethora of different creams and cosmetics to lighten their skin tone. People with lighter skin should burn themselves in the sun to achieve a darker skin tone. Left handed people should become right handed so it is easier for them.
If you look closely at the picture, you might see that there is a difference between the way you hold a pen and the way I hold a pen. From my youth, I have held a pen, pencil and paintbrush quite differently. When I was a child and was still learning art, teachers and adults would look strangely at my hand and tell me to try doing it in "the normal way" since it would be "easier" for me. Today, at 17 years and have written a board exam and especially, the IGCSE History papers, I am proud to say that holding a pen differently had no effect on my ability to write.
Ironic as it is, it is the children and my age group who will look at my hand with large and curious eyes, appreciating its diversity, instead of telling me to do something else and change myself.
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