It's like Recharging Three Batteries

The past week, I have realized how open and loving the art community is and how easy it is to make friends and connect on an artistic level with other artists from all over the world. The community has been so supportive. 

I am a complete introvert and before this, I barely received any incentive to try and gain followers and was disappointed to see the number sitting at a 63, and was barely bothered to do anything about it because I thought it was completely impossible. 

Here's to a 100 followers, the three slowly charging batteries a symbolism of how we will always ultimately reach our goal. There are ups and downs, backwards and forwards and it's a rollercoaster, but soon enough, we will surge through with so much of experience, love and courage. It takes dedication, patience and sometimes, when you lose a charge it's demotivating, but we will pull ourselves up and reach our goal. 

Do check out my animation, my metaphor for the artist's journey here.


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